Quality and accountability lie at the heart of everything we do at Tadek, so we are delighted to announce our successful recertification of ISO 9001, following an audit earlier this month.

What is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognised standard for quality management, managed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It helps organisations enhance their performance, meet customer expectations, and demonstrate their commitment to quality.
Its requirements define how to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a quality management system (QMS).
“ISO Implementing ISO 9001 means your organisation has put in place effective processes and trained staff to deliver flawless products or services time after time.”
ISO, 2023
What does ISO 9001 mean for Tadek?
ISO 9001 certification ensures not only that we have robust business processes and a Quality Management System in place, but that we keep these under constant review as we seek to continually enhance and improve our service offering, performance and outcomes to clients. ISO 9001 certification is a prerequisite for many of the projects we deliver at Tadek due to the exacting nature of our work and the clients we work with.
Our ISO 9001 certification applies to the following activities:
Provision of engineering and project management consultancy services encompassing subsea umbilical and marine analysis, floating offshore wind and floating systems design, structural design and naval architecture to marine projects in the offshore renewables, oil and gas sectors worldwide.
Special mention to Andrew Wright, Mohammad Bin-Nasir and Liz Jackson for their hard work and dedication to not only facilitating the audit but also managing the continual process of ISO 9001 compliance throughout the year. As an annual assessment, we look forward to continued improvement through the course of the year ahead and to the reassessment process in 12 months.
Andrew Wright, Naval Analysis Engineer and one of the project leads at Tadek for ISO:9001, commented:
It is very gratifying that our processes and quality management systems have been recognised once again through this recertification.
“It is very gratifying that our processes and quality management systems have been recognised once again through this recertification.
Since our original certification with ISO, best-practice quality management remains truly embedded at every level of the organisation, which supports the team in delivering their best work to achieve optimal outcomes for our clients.”
Andrew Wright, Naval Analysis Engineer