The Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWT23) conference is the world’s largest event dedicated to floating offshore wind. This year it took place 10 – 12 May at La Cité Nantes Congress Centre in Nantes, France.

Tadek are regular attendees of the conference. This year a delegation of seven – Kevin Cortial, Scarlett Martin, Diogo Nunes, Rupert Raymond, Jake Rowland-Crosby, Nigel Terry, and Andrew Wright, attended to benefit from the diverse speaking programme and networking opportunities.

Innovation in Floating Offshore Wind

The Tadek team were delighted to catch up with existing clients and partners, as well as meet a host of new contacts from developers, installers, engineers and OEMs. The conference was well attended with over 1,200 participants from 30 different countries attending in person and online.

The team benefitted from the programme of speakers and panel discussions available. A range of topics and technical sessions, training and skills discussions, and the latest innovations and research in the floating offshore wind sector, were on offer.

Project Engineer, Jake Rowland-Crosby, commented: 

Often I meet clients on the bridge of a vessel or in the midst of a HIRA, so I look forward to our annual visits to FOWT. In these great surroundings, I have the opportunity to absorb the discussions, connect with clients and other engineers, and explore the latest developments in Floating Offshore Wind.This year’s event provided a varied programme of thought-provoking discussions, research presentations and exhibitors. Attending this conference supports our goal of continual development and learning to enhance our practice with the latest innovations in the industry.

Jake Rowland-Crosby, Project Engineer

See you at FOWT 2024

A bit thank you from the Tadek delegation to the organisers, the Mediterranean maritime and coastal economy cluster, Pôle Mer Méditerranée, and the French wind energy association, France Energie Eolienne and co-founders of the event Chambre de Commerce Aix-Marseille Provence, as well as France Energies Marines the energy transition institute dedicated to marine renewable energies, who partnered on the scientific and technical sessions.

If you didn’t get a chance to catch up with the Tadek team at FOWT 2023, please contact Scarlett Martin to discuss any projects you are looking for support with.

We look forward to attending FOWT 2024 in Marseilles, France next April – see you there.

FOW conference 2023